Puppy Preschool

Belgrave South Puppy Preschool is a great way to start your puppy on the right path to becoming a happy, well mannered and well-adjusted member of your family.

Between four and sixteen weeks of age, puppies develop very quickly - this is the perfect time for them to learn  all about people, other dogs and the rest of the world. Puppy Preschool is designed to take advantage of this critical learning period, in a supervised environment that is clean and safe for young puppies.

Belgrave South Puppy Preschool is a fun and interactive course of five classes, run over four weeks, that covers normal canine behaviours, what to expect when welcoming a new puppy into the family, with an emphasis on socialisation, and basic training. Our aim is to teach you positive ways to train your puppy in basic skills such as ‘sit’, ‘drop’, ‘stay’, and how to walk well on a lead, but also how to handle your puppy’s not so desirable behaviours, like toileting inside, biting, mouthing and separation anxiety.

Puppy Information Night

Have you recently adopted a new puppy? Want to make sure you have all the information to get off on the right 'paw' in welcoming them into the household?

Classes will cover toileting, biting, socialisation and everything else you need to know including Q & A time at the end.

They will be held on Monday evening at 6:30pm-7:30pm and are $35 per class or $170 for the total 5 classes. Depending on the weather, these will be either held outside in our garden or inside the clinic.

Call the clinic on 97542316 to book in for our puppy information night today!

Puppy Preschool FAQ- we are here to help and support you through this new addition to your household!

1) What do I need to bring?

The first information session is without your puppy. There will be a demo puppy arranged by Cathie selected from the new intake. For the remainder of the sessions, please bring your puppy, a comfortable bed, a lead and your listening ears! We encourage all members of the family to attend!

2) What happens if I miss a class?

If you are unable to attend a class, please call the clinic and let us know. Our classes are subject based so Cathie will just slot you in to a class with the subject you and your puppy missed.

3) What happens if I’m having trouble with a certain cue or behaviour?

Don’t panic! It’s all part of the process. You can give the clinic a call or get someone to film the problem and show either Cathie or Lorraine at the next puppy class.

4) I feel like I need a few more classes…

Great that you wish to continue your puppy’s education! You can either book a one-on-one with Lorraine through the clinic, or join a dog obedience club such as Sherbrooke Dog Obedience.